person checking blod pressure

Can Earthing Lower Blood Pressure?

Earthing, also known as grounding, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One area of interest is whether earthing can effectively lower blood pressure.

Let's check several studies discussing the relationship between earthing and blood pressure levels, illuminating its potential as a complementary approach to managing blood pressure.


man checking his BP


Can Earthing Lower Blood Pressure?

Yes. Emerging evidence does suggest that grounding techniques may indeed have a positive impact on blood pressure levels. Check the evidence below.



Overall Rating: Moderate 


The overall rating is considered moderate due to the promising results observed in multiple studies. However, limitations such as small sample sizes, the absence of control groups, and variations in study designs prevent a higher rating.

Further research with larger sample sizes, rigorous study designs, and appropriate control groups would enhance the reliability of the findings and provide a more conclusive assessment of the effects of grounding on blood pressure.


  1. Multiple Studies: The inclusion of multiple studies provides a broader perspective and strengthens the evidence base. Each study contributes valuable insights into the effects of grounding on blood pressure.
  2. Promising Results: The studies collectively demonstrate promising results, showing that individuals who practiced grounding experienced significant improvements in blood pressure. These findings suggest a potential benefit of grounding for managing blood pressure.
  3. Potential Therapeutic Option: The findings indicate that grounding could be a safe and effective therapeutic option for blood pressure management. This offers an alternative approach that may complement existing interventions and provide additional options for individuals.


  1. Limited Sample Sizes: Some studies had small sample sizes, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Larger sample sizes would provide more robust evidence and enhance the reliability of the results.
  2. Lack of Control Groups: Some studies did not include control groups for comparison, making it challenging to establish a direct causal relationship between grounding and blood pressure improvements. The absence of control groups reduces the ability to attribute changes solely to grounding.
  3. Study Design Variations: The studies utilized different methodologies and approaches, making it difficult to compare their findings directly. Consistency in study design would strengthen the evidence and allow for more accurate assessments of the effects of grounding on blood pressure.


Earthing and Blood Pressure: The Evidence

A pilot case study involving hypertensive patients assessed the effects of grounding on blood pressure. The patients actively grounded themselves at home for several months, engaging in grounding practices for at least 10 hours daily. The results were promising, as all patients experienced significant improvements in blood pressure. 

Individually, systolic levels decreased, ranging from 8.6% to 22.7%, with an average decrease of 14.3%. This study highlights grounding as a safe and effective therapy that warrants further research in reducing blood pressure (1).

Additionally, studies have demonstrated that grounding the human body can affect various cardiovascular risk factors. For instance, a study titled "Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease" observed that grounding increased the surface charge on red blood cells, decreasing blood viscosity and clumping. These findings suggest potential improvements in cardiovascular health and a possible positive influence on blood pressure regulation (2).

Additionally, grounding can help increase heart rate variability and reduce stress hormone cortisol levels. A study exploring the link between grounding and heart disease indicates that grounding can enhance heart rate variability and decrease cortisol levels. Both are indicators of improved cardiovascular health and a reduced stress response (3).


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The Potential of Earthing for Blood Pressure Management

While the discussed studies provide promising insights, it is important to note that further research is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms underlying the effects of grounding on blood pressure. Additionally, researchers must establish optimal protocols and guidelines for grounding as a complementary therapy.

It is important to emphasize that grounding should not replace conventional medical treatments. Instead, individuals should consider grounding as a supportive practice alongside existing therapies. As more research emerges, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effects of grounding on blood pressure will enable evidence-based recommendations for its use.

Consulting with a healthcare professional before initiating new practices is also crucial, especially if you are on blood thinners or have specific medical conditions. Physicians can provide personalized guidance, monitor necessary adjustments in medication, and ensure your safety while optimizing blood pressure management.

Despite these considerations, grounding offers a safe and natural approach that individuals with high blood pressure can consider incorporating into their management plan. Integrating grounding practices, such as actively connecting with the Earth's surface charge or engaging in barefoot outdoor activities, into daily routines is easily achievable. 

Connect with the Earth's natural energy, enhance cardiovascular health, and experience the potential benefits of grounding on your blood pressure management journey.



1. A;, Elkin HK;Winter. “Grounding Patients with Hypertension Improves Blood Pressure: A Case History Series Study.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Accessed 4 July 2023. 

2. Chevalier, Gaétan, et al. “Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity-a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease.” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), Feb. 2013, 

3. Author links open overlay panelLaura Koniver, and AbstractAn ever expanding body of research over the past several decades suggest that directly touching the earth. “Practical Applications of Grounding to Support Health.” Biomedical Journal, 5 Dec. 2022,,and%20reduce%20soreness%20after%20exercise. 


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