A low-angle close-up of a textured asphalt road in sunlight.

Can I Ground on Pavement?

If you’ve ever heard about grounding, also known as earthing, you might picture yourself barefoot on a lush green lawn or a sandy beach, soaking in nature’s energy. But what if you live in the city? Can you ground on pavement?


Unfortunately, the answer is a definitive NO.


The Science Behind Grounding

Grounding is the practice of connecting your body to the Earth’s natural electric charge to promote well-being. Studies suggest that direct contact with the Earth may help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and balance the body's electrical systems. Learn more about the science behind earthing.


Does Pavement Conduct Earth’s Energy?

The ability to ground depends on the material you’re standing on. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Concrete: If it’s unsealed and in direct contact with the Earth, concrete does  allow for some grounding, though not generally as effectively as grass or soil. Read more about earthing on concrete.

  • Asphalt: This material, often used in roads and driveways, contains petroleum-based substances, making it a poor conductor. Unfortunately, grounding on asphalt isn’t effective.

  • Brick and Stone: These materials are conductive if they are unsealed and placed directly placed on the ground without insulating layers underneath them.

  • Tile and Wooden Decks: Generally, these do not support grounding, especially if they are elevated above the Earth.


How to Ground in an Urban Environment

If you live in a city, here are some practical ways to get the benefits of grounding:

  1. Find Parks or Green Spaces – Walking barefoot on grass, dirt, or sand is the best way to ground.

  2. Use Concrete Sidewalks – If unsealed and directly on the ground, walking barefoot on concrete can still provide grounding benefits.

  3. Try Grounding Mats – Indoor grounding mats connect to the Earth via a grounded outlet, offering an alternative when nature isn’t accessible. Check out the best grounding mats of 2025.

  4. Visit Natural Bodies of Water – Walking in rivers, lakes, or even damp sand at the beach enhances grounding effects. Learn more about earthing in water.


Final Verdict: Can You Ground on Pavement?

It depends. While asphalt and sealed concrete won’t help, unsealed concrete surfaces can allow for some grounding. If you’re in an urban area, seek out natural spaces whenever possible, or consider using grounding tools to stay connected with the Earth’s energy.

Want to learn more about grounding and how it impacts your health? Follow our blog for science-backed wellness tips! Also, check out how long it takes to feel the benefits of grounding.


Enhance Your Grounding Experience

For an easy and effective way to stay grounded indoors, consider investing in a high-quality grounding mat. Check out our collection of grounding mats here and experience the benefits of earthing no matter where you are!


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