hand touching the dice

Can Earthing Really Help With Jet Lag?

Traveling across different time zones can disrupt our body's internal clock and affect our sleep patterns, resulting in an experience commonly known as jet lag.

Many people turn to alternative practices like earthing to address the challenges of adjusting to new time zones and improving sleep during travel.

Earthing, also known as grounding, involves connecting with the Earth's energy to promote well-being.

In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of earthing in managing the effects of travel on sleep and overall well-being.

By examining the experiences of individuals and considering existing research, we will assess whether earthing can truly help alleviate the impact of travel on our sleep and enhance our overall travel experience.


person walking at the airport


Can Grounding Really Help With Jet Lag?

While scientific studies are limited, anecdotal experiences suggest that grounding may help with jet lag by resetting the body's inner clock by connecting with the earth's energy. Further research is needed though. Check the evidence below.


Overall Rating: Weak

weak meter

Based on the presented data, the rating for the effectiveness of grounding in helping with jet lag is considered weak. The lack of scientific studies specifically focusing on grounding for jet lag limits the available evidence.

The information provided relies primarily on anecdotal reports and personal experiences, which are insufficient to establish a strong scientific basis. Further research is necessary to investigate the potential benefits of grounding for jet lag and to determine its effectiveness.



  • Anecdotal evidence and personal accounts suggest that grounding may help with jet lag. 
  • Many individuals have reported positive experiences and relief from jet lag symptoms through grounding.



  • There is a lack of scientific studies specifically examining the effectiveness of grounding for jet lag. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms and potential benefits of grounding for jet lag.
  • The available information is based on personal anecdotes and may not be generalizable to everyone.


Related Articles:

Best Earthing Sheets

Grounding Mats: Are They Safe?

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person sitting at the mountain


Potential Benefits of Grounding for Jet Lag

Several blogs and personal accounts have highlighted the potential benefits of earthing or grounding for alleviating jet lag. One blog from The Earthing Institute discusses the theory that grounding after a long flight can help reset the body's internal clock to local time, thus reducing jet lag.

They have collected feedback from individuals who have experienced relief and healing by connecting with the Earth's surface after air travel. Testimonials include sitting on the Earth's surface or walking barefoot on the grass to alleviate jet lag symptoms and promote a sense of healing and relaxation.

Another blog emphasizes the practice of grounding after flying, particularly for individuals dealing with jet lag. It suggests that touching the Earth's surface, such as grass, trees or water, can draw in the necessary energy to reset the body's internal clock and readjust cortisol levels, supporting a regular sleep schedule and reducing sluggishness. The article also highlights the science behind grounding as an effective method for overcoming jet lag, encouraging individuals not to lose precious time on their vacation or business trip due to jet lag.

Dave Asprey, the founder of the Bulletproof diet, has also shared his experiences with using grounding to overcome jet lag. He recommends getting outside to green spaces, walking barefoot on grass, hugging trees, or wearing grounding shoes on optimal surfaces like grass, sand, concrete, or gravel. For those near beaches or waterfronts, taking a few minutes to dip your toes in the ocean or water can be beneficial. If going outside is not feasible, grounding mats or a  grounding pillow case in hotel rooms can provide a similar grounding effect.

Although scientific studies specifically focusing on grounding for jet lag are limited, these blogs and personal accounts provide valuable anecdotal evidence of the potential benefits. Individuals who have shared their experiences offer insights and encouragement for further exploration into the connection between grounding and jet lag relief.

While scientific studies on grounding for jet lag are lacking, anecdotal evidence suggests potential benefits. Engaging in grounding activities and practices may offer individuals relief and help them readjust to local time. However, further research is needed to establish its efficacy. In the meantime, grounding can be explored as a complementary approach to managing jet lag.


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