grounding mat beside a multimeter

Is Your Grounding Mat Working? Find Out with These Easy Tests

Many grounding product customers want to test their own products at home and ensure that they are working correctly. That's a practice we absolutely encourage! 

In this article, we will guide you through practical tests that you can conduct at home to determine the effectiveness of a grounding mat



You can test your grounding mat using a multimeter. Plug the black grounding cord of the multimeter into the ground port of a wall socket and connect the other end to the port of the multimeter. Insert the red cord into the multimeter's port and touch the red probe to the metal snap on the products. If you get a reading between 0 and 0.5V, it means your product is working correctly. 


groundluxe grounding mat


Easy Tests to Determine Mat Effectiveness

Grounding mats can offer numerous health benefits, including the potential to reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and boost overall energy levels. But how do you know if your grounding product is working? Here are some easy tests that can help determine its effectiveness.

You can test the effectiveness of your device using a multimeter. This versatile tool measures the electrical resistance and conductance of the mat, ensuring proper grounding. 

Start by plugging one end of the black cord into the ground port of an electrical outlet, and connect the other end to the port on the multimeter. Set the multimeter to the "AC Voltage" setting. Insert the red cord into the red multimeter port, and the black cord into the black multimeter port.

Then touch the red probe to the metal snap on the mat and the black to the grounding mat. If the multimeter displays a reading between 0-0.5V, your product is functioning correctly.

However, relying solely on multimeter readings to assess the effectiveness of a grounding product is cautioned by some experts. While a proper electrical connection is essential, it does not guarantee that all benefits are being received.

Other factors such as hygiene level, skin moisture content, and contact surface quality may also significantly impact the mat's performance and the benefits experienced.


woman lying on the sofa


You can also assess the efficacy of a grounding mat by paying attention to how you feel. Some people report feeling more relaxed and less anxious after using the mat for a few days or weeks.

Others may notice a reduction in pain or improved sleep quality using a grounding device. Keeping a journal to track changes in these areas before and after using the grounding mat can help assess its effectiveness. 

Keep in mind that some effects reported in the scientific literature have to be measured with medical equipment and are not necessarily effects you can feel. 

Having examined some straightforward tests to assess the effectiveness of your grounding mat, let's now check the details of using a multimeter to ensure accurate measurements.


red-black multimeter


Using a Multimeter for Accurate Measurements

To ensure precise readings of your grounding mat's effectiveness, follow these steps for using a multimeter correctly: 

  1. Ensure that the multimeter you're using is specifically designed for measuring voltage, as this is the unit of measurement for resistance.
  2. Connect the black lead of the multimeter to the ground port of an electrical outlet. Attach the other end of the black lead to the COM port on the front of the multimeter.
  3. Insert the red probe into the AC Voltage (V~) port on the front of the multimeter. Touch the red probe to the metal snap on your grounding mat.
  4. Take note of the reading displayed on the multimeter. This reading indicates the effectiveness of your grounding mat.

Remember that different grounding products can have varying levels of resistance, and there isn't a specific threshold for ideal reading. However, as a general guideline, a reading between 0-0.5V indicates that your mat is properly grounded.

However, it's worth considering potential limitations when relying solely on multimeter readings. Factors like device quality and technique variability can impact the accuracy of the measurements. Some experts suggest using skin conductance as an alternative method. Both approaches can tell whether your grounding mat successfully achieves a negative charge balance. 

Ultimately, while using a multimeter correctly can contribute to measuring the effectiveness of your grounding mat in terms of electrical balance and potential health benefits, it's just one aspect to consider. To maximize the benefits of our well-being, we can incorporate other factors, such as hygiene, and rely on reliable evidence when using grounding mats.


smiling woman while sleeping


Signs Your Grounding Mat is Working Properly

One clear sign that your grounding mat is working properly is an improvement in your sleep quality. Many individuals who consistently use an earthing mat report experiencing more restful sleep over time. This can be because a grounded body tends to have reduced cortisol levels and inflammation, which can disrupt sleep patterns.

Another sign that your grounding mat is in good condition is reduced pain and inflammation. Reduced pain is easy to detect, but reduced inflammation can be much more difficult to detect.

A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that participants who used grounding mats experienced significantly reduced muscle pain compared to those who didn't. The hypothesis behind this finding is that stimulating the flow of electrons within the body may reduce inflammation and its resulting symptoms.

Many people report feeling calmer, more balanced, less stressed, and less anxious after consistent use of a grounding mat. Furthermore, some preliminary studies indicate that using an earthing mat might help to improve heart health by reducing blood viscosity.

Trust your body's response and continue using the grounding mat if you observe these positive signs.


black grounding mat with white cord


Checklist for Assessing the Condition of Your Mat

Regularly assessing the condition of your grounding mat is essential to ensure its effective functioning. While manufacturers typically design earthing mats to last up to five years, proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving their lifespan. Use this checklist to evaluate the condition of your grounding mat regularly:

  1. Check the grounding cord: Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed cords or loose connections that could impact its electrical conductivity. Ensure that it is connected properly and securely to your mat and the outlet source.
  2. Measure conductivity with a multimeter: Use a multimeter to measure the conductivity of your grounding mat. Set the multimeter to the "AC Voltage" setting, connect the black wire to your COM port on the multimeter, and connect the red wire to the AC Voltage port on the multimeter (V~). Take the other end of the black wire and touch it to the ground port on an electrical outlet. Next, touch one end of the red probe to a metal snap on your mat and check for readings between 0-0.5V. If the readings fall within this range, your grounding mat is working properly.
  3. Maintain cleanliness: Keep your grounding mat clean to ensure optimal performance. Over time, dirt and sweat can accumulate on the surface, even if it's not visibly apparent. This buildup can block the pathways for electron transfer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to clean your mat without compromising its functionality. Typically, using a damp cloth or gentle cleanser if necessary is sufficient.

By checking the condition of your grounding mat on a regular basis and addressing any issues, you can ensure that it continues to provide the desired benefits effectively. 

Current and Voltage Reduction

One of the key benefits of using a grounding mat is that it acts as a conductor for voltage and current flow in your body. Essentially, when you connect to a grounding mat, it equalizes the voltage potential between your body and the earth's surface. This can help reduce inflammation caused by excess positive charges in your body. 

Excess positive charges in the body can result from several factors like air pollution, stress, lack of restorative sleep, prolonged physical activity/exercising, and EMR (electromagnetic radiation) exposure through electronic devices or other wiring sources. Positive charges build up over time due to our contact with these sources. That's why it's essential to ground your body regularly to defuse stress from excess positive charges. 

  • A study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research in 2015 found that grounding significantly reduced inflammation and improved sleep, stress levels, and pain among participants within the experiment duration.
  • Another study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health in 2012 showed that earthing/grounding increases the surface charge on red blood cells, reducing blood viscosity and clumping, which may result in improved cardiovascular health.
  • A study published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal in 2016 demonstrated that grounding reduced muscle damage and pain by restoring the body's natural electrical balance after intense exercise sessions.


rolled groundluxe grounding mat 


Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Are there any risks associated with using a faulty grounding mat? 

Using a faulty grounding mat that is not properly designed and tested can increase the risk of electrical shock (it's inadvisable to use faulty products in general, but especially so with items that plug into outlets). Therefore, it's essential to know the importance and to test your grounding mat and make sure it is functioning correctly before using it. 


What could cause a grounding mat to malfunction or stop working?

The most common reason is that the mat itself is damaged or worn out. Mats made from lesser quality materials may not withstand daily use and thus lead to connectivity issues. It's essential to invest in high-quality products and check your mat regularly for signs of wear and tear.

Dirty or corroded connectors can also hinder the efficacy of grounding mats. The contact points between the mat and grounding outlet must be clean and free of dirt or any other coatings as this could disrupt electrical currents. To avoid this issue, make sure to clean the connections regularly with a soft cloth.

Lastly, even if you have a good grounding mat in place, an excessively EMF-emitting environment can get in your way during sessions. EMF radiation is known to interfere with the positive effects of grounding as shown in various tests. (


How often should the effectiveness of a grounding mat be tested?

As a general rule, it is recommended to test your grounding mat at least once every six months. This will help assure you that the device is still working correctly and providing the benefits you deserve.


How can one troubleshoot and fix common issues with grounding mats?

It's important to know that troubleshooting grounding mat issues requires a bit of know-how and patience, but fear not! Here are some simple solutions to common grounding mat problems:
Problem: The mat isn't working at all.
Solution: Check to make sure your outlet is grounded properly. Use a grounding outlet tester (such as a socket tester) to confirm that the outlet is actually grounded.
Problem: The grounding connection seems weak.
Solution: Double-check the clip that attaches the grounding cord to the mat itself. Ensure it's clamped tightly and securely on a metal part of the mat. You can also try cleaning the connection points with rubbing alcohol, letting them dry completely, then re-testing.
Problem: The cord doesn't reach your bed or desk.
Solution: If your outlet is too far away from where you need the grounding mat, grab an extension cord or surge protector with a longer cable. Make sure any extension cord is a cord with a ground (three-prong). Connect your mat to the third prong.
By taking these steps, you'll be able to troubleshoot and fix most common issues with your grounding mat in no time. 


1. Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL et al. Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons. J Environ Public Health 2012; 2012:291541.
2. Ghaly M, Teplitz D. The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain, and Stress. J Altern Complement Med 2004 Oct;10(5):767-76.
3. Brown DL, McBride DM Sr., Henriquez VM et al. Grounded running reduces injury risk through better neuromuscular control. Int J Sports Med 2019;40(10):631-636.


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